Military Bearings - Physical Stance/Discipline We can recognize this immediately: the ability to appear completely still for a period of time. I put "appearance" in there because you can actually move muscles throughout your body to get the blood flowing and still seem to be completely still.
Military personnel, since the beginning of recorded history, have made individual attitudes central to the doctrine and values instilled in everyone in the force from the beginning of the individual's service to the end of his term.
Military Bearings
The attitude of the individual soldier has always been a key factor separating a successful military unit from a simple band of renegades. The incredible level of individual behavior of the most successful military units soon became their own distinct set of values and behaviors and hence came to be known as "Military Behavior".
Military Bearing
"Only" a so-and-so Whatever your goals in life, no matter what someone else thinks of them, they are your goals. We can achieve great things at every level in a job and in life. Don't fool others who may think less of you because you "just" want to do a certain job.
It does not matter what others think, what is important is that you put all your energy into what you do and do it to the best of your ability. Without this, the leader will not be able to deliver tasks efficiently or perform them effectively.
Similarly, a leader cannot be effective in his command unless he possesses the "military attitude" to instill confidence and loyalty in the soldiers under his command. Without all these elements working together, the concept of a cohesive entity would simply fall apart.
"Military Bearing" has always been the key to an effective fighting force. We must continue to strive towards this goal or we will be relegated to failure. Influence Society and family influence can sometimes help/force you to take a path towards a goal that you really had no intention of achieving.
Sometimes this is good (you did not realize you could achieve this goal) and sometimes this is bad (you were sort of forced into a career and do not have the ability to transition to what you really want to do).
Soldiers must reflect a professional attitude among their peers despite their individual differences. A soldier towards his superior The attitude of the soldier towards his superior is perhaps the most important part of 'military attitude'. A soldier must be able to follow the orders of his superiors without questioning those orders.
Taking orders and following orders is at the heart of what any army does. Every soldier has a superior, and any inability to take orders from his superiors and execute them skillfully will cause the mission to fail.
Mental attitude/discipline This is not so easy to recognize, but plays just as much, if not more, a role. Compared to training your mind, physical training is perhaps the "easier" part of military attitude / self-discipline.
You have to train your mind to focus and react when you need to react. Whether that response is making a targeted move, or jumping out of a plane to parachute into hostile territory, the response is mandatory and you cannot waive it.
But how? Everyone needs discipline: go to bed at a good time, wake up on time, go to class/homework on time, do expected work, etc. The list goes on. All these seemingly insignificant tasks are part of having discipline.
This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as a guide or an example for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Do not submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.
Through military behavior, cadets learn how to pay immediate attention to orders. These examples may illustrate the importance of prompt attention to law enforcement warrants. In the first example, two agents run a stop sign. The first officer saw a gun in the driver's hand and yelled, "Gun!"
The backup officer should react instinctively without thinking or asking questions. Another example is conducting an accident investigation on a highway when a car loses control and swerves with a policeman. His partner yelled, "Move!" The agent reacts and thus avoids being hit by the out-of-control car.
The self-discipline and attention to detail that begins with the State Patrol Academy is critical to a successful career. A clean, sharp and well-worn uniform reflects not only on the soldier, but also on the soldier's unit.
A dirty uniform gives others the impression that the organization as a whole does not take standards and professionalism seriously, which strongly influences the impression of others. In addition to the physical appearance, the way the soldier performs his duties is very important, and it is an important part of a "military attitude".
If a soldier is always late, skips or neglects assigned duties, or lacks the confidence and ability to perform his duties, it can affect not only the soldier, but also his superiors, subordinates, and colleagues. The formation of your mind comes from reading the manuals necessary for your job, in our case we should read our practical and service manuals plus any other manuals/information that affects what we do (rifle maintenance manuals and protocols, etc.).
We should read this information until we know it front to back and back to front. We should also know everything about our military service, our uniform, rank and even information about where the ceremony is held and what the ceremony is about (change of command, memorial ceremony, etc.).
You can see where this is going: knowledge is power and this power can be used not only to prepare for the ceremony and train others for it, but also to get you to do what you need to do throughout the ceremony.
In some cases, this can even lead to dozens to hundreds of deaths and the failure of the entire mission. The Soldier Towards His Colleagues The way a soldier interacts with his colleagues is another important aspect of "Military Bearing".
The soldier must be able to deal professionally with his colleagues on and off duty. Inappropriate jokes, racial jokes or other similar acts detract from professionalism in a workplace and can create tensions that divide a unit and make it ineffective.
Military conduct' is the standard of individual character that soldiers must display at all times, on or off duty, in uniform or civilian dress. "Military Bearing" has an incredibly far-reaching effect on today's military. However, to understand exactly how attitudes affect the military in general, it becomes necessary to look more closely at the mechanics of specific aspects of military attitudes, how these aspects apply to the actions of soldiers, and systematically apply these effects to armies.
a. a whole a whole The Soldier to Himself Attitude You don't have to live with a 'bad attitude'. You can change your mind. You are not a slave to your mind. It may feel like a daunting task but it's not, you just have to practice thinking positively/differently and you have to practice this thought pattern every day - all the time.
If you slip and start thinking negatively, no matter how extreme, start over. It will get easier over time. Only you can do it: only you have the power to determine how you will react to a given situation.
IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Stop blaming others or your current or past situation(s). Attitude ≠ Height, Necessarily While "attitude = height" has some truth in it, it has the connotation that if you "only" go this high, you will always fail at some point.
Not true at all. We can reach the stars in anything we want to do. Higher altitude does not equal better. A soldier must also treat his superiors with respect. A disrespectful soldier reflects poorly on the quality of superior leadership and also on the soldier's attitude.
A soldier to his subordinate A superior must lead by example. Most of the examples any leader gives come from that leader's attitude. Soldiers always look to their leaders for guidance in developing self-choice as "Military Bearing" is inculcated over time and not just "Factory Installed" at Initial Entry Training.
As mentioned earlier, bring out the person, how he sees himself and those around him as key. In order to spread a "Military Biman", the soldier must first have a positive opinion of himself. The way a person behaves is one of the first things another person will notice about a person's attitude.
If a soldier considers himself small, insignificant, or weak, it will show in the way he behaves. This greatly detracts from the perception of the person as a whole. How the soldier dresses and holds himself is also an important factor.
Eva Talent, a professional writer since 1994, was trained as a journalist by the US Army. He was awarded two Army Commendation Medals and one Army Achievement Medal for journalistic excellence. His press releases appear regularly on the websites of the Ministry of Defense and the Army.
Talent has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Michigan. This was his great. I am currently in the military making the transition from an officer candidate to the enlisted side. Your article gave me some great insights into life, decision making and acceptance of who you are and the goals you pursue.
Thanks for the motivation this morning. If you are sergeant. Major in the US Marine Corps, then the amount of effort you have to put in and the amount of training you have to go through is very high.
If, on the other hand, you prefer to reach the level of manager in a local store, there is nothing wrong with that, but your efforts and training will be considerably less than those of our Navy.
We, in the military or associated with the military (ie cadet program), call it "military attitude," but the truth is that everyone needs a measure of what is often referred to as "discipline." The word "military" is in the foreground because we stand at Attention or other positions without moving.
I once attended a briefing years ago where an Air Force lieutenant colonel described the numbers of newly deployed Air Force personnel. The numbers were significantly lower and would continue to fall. He was there to tell us to do our best if we wanted to make a career in the AF.
He said if we didn't we would be out of flipping burgers. I thought that was inappropriate, because all the airmen in the room were AF staff sergeants and had extensive training in our specialties. Our time in service and training deserves more respect and so should you, regardless of the type of work you want to do.
And what if some want to flip burgers? Army military behavior is how a soldier behaves while on duty. It includes the level of professionalism in dealing with others and his approach to military situations. Soldiers who do not display military behavior are punished under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
Military bearing consists of two parts When we talk about "military attitude" we think of the whole: the ability to endure a certain task. In this case, let's say the task is to Attention, Paraderest, Attention, Hello, back to Paraderest, then back to Attention for an hour and a half ceremony.
What do we need in advance to accomplish this task? Mental and physical discipline. The State of Colorado is committed to providing all Colorado residents with fair access to our services. Our ongoing accessibility efforts are working toward compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1, level AA criteria.
We welcome comments on how we can improve the accessibility of this website for users with disabilities and for requests for accommodations from Colorado State Services. Ask questions through this form. Without support, structure is impossible.
A soldier must possess a "military attitude" in all his daily affairs; this distinguishes him from the common man. The soldier must have a "military attitude" to his duties; this allows him to execute them in a timely manner and do the job well, unlike "Half ass".
A soldier must also possess "Military Bearing" in his interactions with his superiors. "Military Bearing" and How It Affects the Military as a Whole Bearing is, simply, the appearance and behavior of a person during activities and circumstances in which a person is seen or observed.
A person is largely judged by others based on the attitude that the person exudes when doing their daily activities and therefore it is very important that the person demonstrates competence and professionalism at all times.
NPB is one of the largest suppliers of bearings and bushings to the US government, and we have a wide variety of US made products for a wide variety of defense applications and weapon systems. We are proud to stock Made in USA bearings that meet DFAR and other domestic supply and equipment requirements.
If you would like expert technical advice on bearings, mechanical assemblies and harnesses, please contact NPB's Government and Defense Sales Team. Do I regret something? Yes. I wish I could communicate better with others in many situations and I would like to erase these mistakes.
All I can do is apologize. I have learned a lot and am still learning almost every day. But I don't regret anything anymore. The Colorado State Patrol Trooper Program begins at the Academy as prospective troopers report for enlistment training.
At the beginning of recruit training, the cadet is trained in close order exercises. Close order exercises include everything from saluting, standing at attention and immediate attention to commands. Through this philosophy, the cadet begins to make self-discipline a part of them.
Most cadets have never encountered this type of environment. The basis for closing order exercise is discipline first and foremost. With discipline, the cadet can accomplish many things in life, both personally and professionally. Most importantly, discipline prevents an officer from making a bad decision when temptation arises.
Since the beginning of law enforcement, it has always been a profession that requires a high degree of discipline. In today's society, the police as a whole suffer the consequences of a select few individual officers when it comes to corruption, excessive force and crimes committed in the line of duty.
Agents are regularly confronted with temptation. The temptations can range from substantial amounts of money from a suspected drug dealer to certain favors from local business owners. All these temptations can lead to serious problems if the officer does not instill self-discipline.
Criminal and civil lawsuits, public humiliation, negative public perception, and loss of respect from family, friends, and colleagues are all possible outcomes of an officer succumbing to temptation. The Colorado State Patrol Academy uses military positions to instill discipline in each of our troopers.
But if the leader is unable or unwilling to maintain the standards he expects from his subordinates, the soldiers will not only consider the leader hypocritical or with a "double standard", and his soldiers will be less inclined to command the superior, or at least
will make no significant effort to execute such orders. Respect comes from patience. If a leader does not exemplify "Military Bearing", the only respect the leader will receive is empty deference to the rank the person may hold, and not genuine respect or loyalty to the leader himself.
Military Bearing, big picture As mentioned in previous paragraphs, "Military Bearing" is the core of any military structure. Any action that would be considered a disgrace to the military or other branches of the military is not a display of good military attitude.
For example, a soldier in uniform should never drink, have no respect for people or property. It is not for nothing that the army bases its core values on discipline. Discipline is not designed to create a "mindless soldier" who responds only to immediate commands, but creates an environment that fosters a person's ability to develop self-discipline and instant attention to commands.
In combat, a platoon leader does not have time to explain the reasons for a decision; they only have time to transfer the order. Since then, orders run through the chain of command, a system of specific ranks or positions, each responsible for the other.
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